Breastfeeding – bottle feeding

You will be making choices and decisions from the very beginning of your pregnancy: where will I give birth, how will I give birth? What name will I give my baby? What colour will the baby’s room be? Will I choose breastfeeding or bottle feeding? You may have heard stories or experiences from friends or family, or been given advice about breastfeeding or bottle-feeding.

The neonatal care app, which you can access once you have registered with Cicogna, contains all the relevant information about breastfeeding and bottle feeding. This information can help you make a decision that you (and your partner) can stand behind 100%. It is worth looking at the different options carefully to ensure that the final choice is in line with your own expectations and possibilities.

Whichever form of feeding you choose, our maternity aide nurse will support you in every way possible during your neonatal period. They attend regular (refresher) courses on breastfeeding and bottle feeding so that they are up to date with the latest developments and protocols. They will tailor their advice to your personal situation and consult with your midwife, breastfeeding coach, or lactation specialist if necessary.

Cicogna breastfeeding coaches and lactation consultants

Breastfeeding is very natural and yet sometimes it doesn’t happen all by itself. Both you and your baby have to learn how breastfeeding works. Sometimes special circumstances or problems arise that require specific or additional knowledge and experience.

Apart from the expert support of the maternity aide nurse during the neonatal period, you can also attend an information evening on breastfeeding at Cicogna Neonatal Care as early as during your pregnancy, and you can call on our breastfeeding coach or a lactation expert for any questions you may have about breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding coaches

Our breastfeeding coaches will help you with all your questions about breastfeeding during your pregnancy, maternity period, and up to 3 months after the birth of your baby. Our maternity aide nurses can also contact our breastfeeding coaches with questions about breastfeeding. This way, we offer you the best possible support during the first months of your breastfeeding time. If necessary, our maternity aide nurse or our breastfeeding coach will refer you to a lactation expert.

Breastfeeding advice

We regularly organise online breastfeeding information evenings. Click here for more details and dates regarding our breastfeeding information sessions.

For contact with a breastfeeding coach or lactation expert, we can be reached Monday to Friday between 09:00 and 17:00 on: 043-4504990.

You can also always contact a lactation consultant directly yourself and make an appointment for a consultation, either by phone or at your home. A lactation consultation always involves a fee. You may be eligible for reimbursement through your health insurance.