Register for the pregnancy portal
Your partner is pregnant. At first, the pregnancy will be a little less intense for you on the sidelines. You won’t feel pregnant, you won’t have any physical signs that new life is growing, and you won’t have any physical complaints.
The pregnancy portal: fun for partner and expectant mother
Often the focus is on the expectant mother and the unborn child, and only after that on you. This is usually not a problem. However, it is nice to get some direct information from time to time. For example, what is normal, how you can help, what to expect, and more besides.
That is why Cicogna works together with the Pregnancy Portal. Once you create an account, you will receive a weekly email with important general information about pregnancy and you can read what to expect with each week of pregnancy.

Sign up for the pregnancy portal
If you would like to use this, please click on the link below and go through the registration process. Because the security of your data is extremely important, Pregnancy Portal works with an extensive registration process where they ask you to confirm your email address and your mobile number. This way, they make sure that it is you. You can link yourself to our organisation in the last step. Please note: your data will not be shared with third parties.